SARSIL® OH-100, OH-300, OH-500


Hydrophilic consolidating agents are single-component preparations containing ethyl esters of orthosilicate acid (active substance) of standard polycondensation degree. The agent is produced in three standard versions.

Hydrophilic agents for consolidating disintegrated building materials are designed to strengthen building materials destructed by weathering processes occurring mainly under in uence of atmospheric factors. These pro- ducts are characterized by a very good ability to penetrate capillaries of such building materials as: natural stones, terracotta, brick, plasters. Initial test should be carried out prior to application of the products to the stones which contain swelling silty minerals. Strengthening actions of the preparations consist in creating silica in the structure of disintegrated building material. The silica formed in this way is a binding agent which strengthen building mate- rials. Silica creation process is connected with hydrolytic polycondensation of ethyl esters of orthosilicate acid with water included in the capillaries of a speci c building material and/or water vapour in air. The above-described process progresses under in uence of a neutral catalyst contained in the preparation. Due to the fact that the rate of hydrolytic polycondensation depends in a considerable degree on humidity and temperature, seasoning of building material is necessary to be carried out in the following conditions:

  • at relative humidity of 50% and temperature of 20oC the material must be seasoned for 4 weeks in order to be completely strengthened.
  • at relative humidity of 75% and temperature of 20oC the material must be seasoned for 3 weeks in order to be completely strengthened.